So it's the last week, I'm in full denial; well I wouldn't say full cause I am so excited to go home and mom just told me all my sisters would be here when I got home which I had no clue until last night. So now I'm OVERLY excited to get home and be with my family. Alas let me tell you the adventures of what happened today. So today was a free day and a great free day it was. We started out at 9:00 -ish (it's impossible to get people out on time) and we went over to the Temple Mount. Story number 1... A little back ground it's Ramadan here (where the Muslims fast ALL day and don't eat until like 8 every night; so they ask us not to eat around them cause you know how grumpy you all get when your hungry?? yes it's the same here) So we are at the temple mount walking around and Lauren and I pop a seat on the dome of the rock and she goes "I'm hungry" naturally we pull out a peta we had made and begin eating as I'm almost done with my peta a woman walks past me and gives me the STINGIEST look ever. So I look at T.C. and I say "Is it disrespectful that I am sitting on the dome?" he replys "I don't think so and I think food is okay too cause they break there fast....." OOPS I shoved that peta in my mouth so fast I felt soo dumb.. so did Lauren it was quite the sight.
After the dome we decided to go to Shabon's to change some mulla at Ali Baba's then make our way over to Sam Booki (officially the GREATEST bakery in the Jewish quarter-we go there at least 3 times a week the pastries are only like 7 shekels which is like 3 bucks) LOVE IT!!!
Okay after the Jewish Quarter we went around to the City of David to go through Hezikiah's tunnel, which is a water tunnel that is pitch black (we have flash lights) but that was a nice blast of cold water it was super super fun. Then after that we started through the old city to get to West Jerusalem as walking up the steps in the Jewish Quarter past the Cardo we saw this man painting and he stopped us and was like I will give you free lessons, and you will paint a Menorah... You bet your booty that in the Jewish quarter I painted a Menorah Chloe Ence painted the BEST Menorah out of the 4 of us.... She did a yellow back ground and half way through realized that the Menorah is yellow.... So her painting was called "Where's the Menorah" it's like where's waldo but with a Jewish Menorah:) The pictures will come I have to get them from Angela but we took pictures with our Menorahs in front of everything and with EVERYONE. So story #2 There was this kid that literally looked like Mario glasses, stick mexi stash, curly black hair and the sweetest outfit so I saw him at dinner we ate on Ben Yhuda street and wanted to get a picture with him but he was speaking Hebrew and I didn't think he spoke English so I by passed the opportunity. We walked to Independence park for Ashlynn's birthday and we were sitting on the grass waiting for people to come and I looked across the park and saw him my MARIO walking so I took it for fate stood up grabbed my Menorah painting and Angela... We took off running to get his picture (with the rest of everyone cheering us on from afar) As we were running he took a detour up this path and we were about to book it up the path when I realized something... He was... reliving himself so Ang and I spun around and waited patiently until he was done then when he began walking again we hurried after him. I got the picture no worries it looks awesome yet again I need to take it from ang. Well I will post some random pictures for ya just to enjoy. Like me at the zoo (best zoo ever) or the formal talent show or just what ever I feel like I want to post.:) ENJOY