It's been a month since I've been home and all I can say is time flies! I miss the street of uneven stone slinking their way through the city of Jerusalem. It's been a hard adjustment coming back; when on a constant spiritual high all the time it was a rude awakening to think I wouldn't need to put any work into that same high when I got home. I have to work harder. Things back home have been hard, decisions have not been easy. I was reading in 2 Nephi today,and it says choice is essential to existance and progression. These choices have two ways to go, happiness or sadness (maybe not so drastic on either side but in an essence it can only go those two ways.) I realized today if we didn't have that opposition or growth factor we would be dead, lifeless. Think of someone who looks lifeless someone who has lost the spark in their eyes. To that I can only conclude I hurt because I feel because I AM ALIVE. Knowing I am alive should be enough shouldn't it? I like to say it should but sometimes I become selfish and think no I want to be alive and be happy all the time in all my decisions. Where is the growth in that?
So to those empty streets, I hope to walk down each one with full courage knowing that regardless the outcome I will know achieve one realization I AM ALIVE, with that in mind I can press through.
Great post Joan. It made me a little sad and a little happy all the same time. I am really really miss Jerusalem.