I know I am a child of God, who loves me
Today was the first set of finals; We completed our Old Testament. Fully expecting to do well on a test then not is sometimes a let down. But not today. Even though my "written/tangible" test was not up to par what I learned far out weighs anything that can be scored out of 100. I will tell you what I've learned
1. That God punishes for a Purpose- He wants us to return unto him so when we stray he has to keep us in line. His mission is to bring us all back to him.
2. In Daniel when Shadrach, mishach, and Abednego are cast into the furnace they say: I know that God can deliver us; BUT IF NOT... the three most important word ever spoken. We all know God can relieve us of our trials, he gave them to us so he can take them away just as fast. But IF NOT we must understand he is giving us this trial for reasons we sometimes won't understand at the moment. Just trust in God and he will provide.
3. I know almost every king when they reigned, they main influences within the kingdoms, and with what prophet they lived; for each Judah, Israel, Assyria, Syria, and Babylon.
4. I can tell you that the Book of Isaiah is more for us than it was for the people of his time
5. Jeremiah talks about broken cisterns- anything you put before the living waters (christ) you will die of lack of water. Always put the living waters first.
6. I know that every prophet that is called of God goes through what we call a "sod" which includes the steps being visited by a diving being, their reaction is they can't complete the task, they are then purged, and finally do and see marvelous things.
7. I can tell you that when Nehamiah comes back from Persia to build the temple he won't let the Samaritans in because they are not pure breed... this causes problems
8. I can list you almost every symbolic action of Jeramiah and Ezekiel- Just remember Ezekiel does the really weird ones like cutting his hair all off and splitting it into thirds..... But each symbolic action is easy to understand and draws a lot of peoples attention. (God knows what he's doing)
9 I can list you reasons to the commonalities of Elijah, Elisah, and Christ how they preformed some of the same type of Miracles.
10. I can tell you I have a testimony of the Bible and that it is vital to understanding the book of Mormon, that in the last days the sticks of Judah and Ephrium will come together (aka bible and book of mormon) I urge all to read the amazing stories of the Old Testament you won't regret it, feast upon the words they will open doors that you never though you could open. I am so blessed regardless the grade I got.