I can say this past week has just been a riot, I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute I have had. On Sunday we went on a field trip to Neot Kedumim, it is in the Shvalah or the lower hills. What did we do, do you ask? Well lets just say I can totally be a bedouin woman (but only for like a couple of hours) We got there and had a small lesson on Jacob and Rachel at the well. Then we went over and got to smash up our own Hyssop (which is a symbolism of purification.) So we took the leaves and smashed them all up and made our own spice. Hyssop has a faint mint taste and is delicious, I would know this because each of us were asked to give “tithe” of a small portion of the hyssop we smashed so that we could eat it later. After hyssop we went and herd sheep. Thanks to the practice I had as a young child helping the Jones and Hirchi’s with their cows I was the stinking best herder EVER, that was said by everyone so I’m not just boasting about myself.. But I kinda am. After the sheep we went to a camp site and made shepherds bread (aka Pita bread) by hand, yes there were like 20 dirty hands kneading that dough, then we cooked it on an open fire, and had that with tea and hyssop and a wheat dessert. IT was wheat seeds cooked with oil and honey, it was delicious. So thats Sunday
Monday we went to Tel Aviv to the beach, oh gosh the most beautiful beach ever, the sand was like silk, the water was crystal clear, and my face and shoulders like a red lobster. It was fantastic.
Classes this week have been great, in OT we are learning about Elijah and Elisah.
In Judaism we are learning about the First, Second and Third...etc Aliya
In Palestinian we are talking about the PLO the Fatah and the Intifadas
In Ancient Middle East Studies we are learning about the ages like middle bronze age I, II...53 can I just say there are a lot of ages and not enough space in my noggin to remember them all.
Tonight is... ba da da da TALENT SHOW (the informal one) all I know is there is a lot of boy band dancing from the boys in our class, and lots of... funny. Everyone is super excited to see it tonight.
Well we are off to get a shwarma for Lunch for which I have been salivating for since yesterday.. mmm mmm delish!!!
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