(pictures for Jordan will come soon)
It's been a while; all in good reason. It's been super busy around here my body doesn't feel like it's caught up to my fast moving days... We got home yesterday afternoon. Jordan is a very exciting place it was so much fun. Here are something I learned while in Jordan
1. Always wear a hat; because when it's 95 degrees and your bang cover half your forehead the next day only half your forehead will be sunburned... oh the opportunities bangs give us
2. Hiking through petra to the high place and the monastery in a skirt is a must.... A little breeze once in while makes a HUGE difference.
3. Boys over the age of 20 with bedouin made musical instraments are more loud and obnoxious than kids (granted we were on a bus for hours at a time... we couldn't send them into a different room)
4. When sleeping on the bus you must come to grips that someone will snap a picture of you with your mouth hanging WIDE open
5. Just like the children of Israel and Moses on mt Nebo (the story of the serpents) if we look to that which is lifted up (on a staff or on a cross) we will live.
6. Pack extra socks
7. Don't ride the horses or camels... the have flees
8. The river Jordan is a very spiritual place.. Making me realize the significance of Baptism and hose important those first covenants we make with God are. I learned that having my dad baptize me was a huge blessing; thank you dad I love you!!!
9. Make up... Straightened hair.... cute cloths.... and merely glistening are a thing of America (It's too hot to look cute; and if you are you sweat it all off anyway)
10. I am so blessed to be a part of this Gospel It's changed my life in so many ways. I know I don't know anything of what this gospel is truly about.... But I'm learning it EVERY DAY!!!!

Jarom... I don't remember his last name but he was my prancing hince... He stole the whole production we did for the talent show. He was so funny.. I had to work my hardest to match his energy on that stage.. Right after this picture was taken we started to laugh (this was all done in pantomime so we had to be so over expressive and Jarom defiantly was)
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