Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? Sometimes depending on the trials I have the face in the mirror will change. Today it was wishing I looked prettier, skinnier, with perfect skin and a smaller nose, maybe a pair of symmetrical eyebrows. So much happens that can seek to destroy the image placed in front of the mirror. Yesterday night at a ward party we had a talent portion where the Bishops 19 year old mentally challenged daughter stood to sing a song. It took me a few seconds to realize where her gaze constantly was drifting every time she got shaky, it was to her father sitting on the front row. He sat there in front of me filming his imperfect daughter singing a far from perfect song. It didn't matter how many notes she missed or how many actions to the words she fumbled she kept a constant eye on her father. It was in his eyes she saw the unconditional love of a father so proud she was even up there; the nods of encouragement kept a slight smile upon her face. She could do this, the high notes, the low notes, and all the ones jumbled in between rang perfect to her father, sitting there so still with admiration and pride filling his heart. It then dawned on me, it doesn't matter the notes I sing all my father cares about is that I'm up there. As long as every time I shake I look up, there and there only will I see his eyes looking so intently into mine; reminding me of my divine potential. As if somehow saying to me "I have created you, the notes you are singing though sometimes seem wrong to those around you sound perfect to me. Keep going"
Then I must come to realize the face in the mirror will change maybe not the way I want it to or when I want it to, but, God will never take his eyes off of me for one moment. It is only I who will lose the sight if I allow it to. May I forever remain shaky so that I have the sincere humble urge to look up and meet his eyes.