It's been a while but i can explain, I've been in Galilee.. Yes Christ's city, where all the miracles and parables came to pass. This place was beautiful I can understand why Christ liked it there so much. We stayed at a Kibbutz called Ein Giev there were 4 of us to a small bungalow about 50 yards away from the sea of galilee (the life guard station) we swam everyday, the water was bath tub warm just wonderful. What can I say about where we went? Where didn't we go is the real question; we went to Mount Carmel where Elijah "battled" against the priest of Ba'al calling fire from the heavens to light his completely drenched sacrifice. We went to Capernum which held a 1st century synagogue... What does that mean? Well it means that the stones are from the actual time of Christ, not having to been restored in anyway. Tobgah where the miracle of the water to wine was preformed aka Christ's "first Miracle" we went to mount Tabor (a mountain argued to be the spot of Transfiguration) we also went to the Mount of Beatitudes that was soo beautiful, I could try to explain everywhere we went but other than saying to yourself "that was cool" you'd not even know what I learned...
So let me enlighten you
1. Only applying sunscreen once can prove to give you a fatal sunburn
2. There is no point in showering when it's 85 percent humid outside every day (it just don't work)
3. God has created the most beautiful landscapes I could ever ask for
4. When you start with dessert at dinner technically you can have two (or 5) helpings because you can get it after dinner as well
5. Couples on the beach disgust me (okay not really... but serious)
6. Christ preformed a lot of miracles a lot; he devoted his life to it and I never understood the impact that had on my life
7. It's not about where the miracle happened it's about What actually happened I say that because we were all talking one night and it amazed us all to realize we were all in the same boat, that when we came on this trip we expected to have this huge change within our hearts that we would come back spiritual giants. That at every site we went to we were sure that we'd feel the spirit and have "revelation" every time.. Wrongo if we needed spiritual reassuring every time it wouldn't mean as much. signs and wonders don't build a testimony.
8. When we get to know people who are different from us (try living with 79 different people from yourself) we understand more about Christ because each person has a different light of Christ, so I can honestly say if you want to get closer to christ get to know the children he saved because he knows them so much so why shouldn't we come to know them as well.
9. Time can throw you curve balls that really throw off everything you had tried achieving but it's your choice to react positively or negatively. (You can only have control if you are prepared to lose control)
10. late nights on the beach sitting talking with the people that are so close to you in so many ways is the best way to spend a night.
11.When you live with the same 25 men for 3 months you will find almost anything attractive....
12. At dinner when you have a cute water boy you better prepare your bladder for the ride of it's life (yes I may have single handedly put back 4 Jugs of water. He was cute all the girls did it-for further clarification please refer to number 11
13. When hand washing your disgusting laundry if you don't have detergent, shampoo and hand soap works great :)
14. Sweat comes out of everywhere.... everywhere
15. If you constantly kick your legs in the water the dead skin eating fish won't get ya (yes if we kept out feet still in the water fish would come eat our dead skin off; I couldn't do it it tickled WAY to bad)
Well I'm sure there is more but that's all I can think of now... As for pictures they are coming I have to pull them off of others peoples computers because my camera broke like a month and a half ago.. but be Prepared they are super cool!!!!!!!